Video Slot, Fish Tables, Skill Games and Much More
Here at Amusement Studios we can supply whatever your gaming needs are.

We build it, you deliver the experience.
When you purchase from Amusement Studios:
You offer a wide variety of machines to your local small business community.
You provide excellent installation and maintenance services to patrons.
You create recurring revenue with attractive commissions and royalties with your local community small business partners.
You’ll receive on-going manufacturer support and maintenance.
we Offer the latest in gaming machines from top brands. We provide installation and maintenance services so you can focus on what you do best – delivering the jackpot!
Our unique offer
Amusement Studios offers all your favorite amusement games, as well as multiple styles of cabinets for gaming machines, and complete manufacturing and installation throughout the continental U.s. to fit the needs and specifications of any purchaser.
Deliver the excitement of gaming to bars, restaurants, convenient stores, and game rooms in your community. Contact us and start generating revenue today!

All the products you need to keep your route machines running.
Also the latest new products to upgrade your existing machines.
Game Boards
Fish Game Boards
$3,495 $3,400
$3,495 $3,400
$3,495 $3,400